Bild des Orts
Guide Michelin
Moderne Küche
Bewertung des Guide Michelin
This magnificently located eatery is only a 5-minute walk from Stanislas Square! The youthful owner-chef, Martin Debuiche, former deputy of Jean-Pierre Vigato of the Apicius in Paris, has teamed up with a butcher-breeder, Alexandre Polmard. In a smart, modern interior, he crafts surprise menus based on flawlessly sourced fine ingredients: fish from Brittany, Vosges pigeon, dairy produce from Meurthe-et-Moselle, saffron from Lorraine, etc. Examples include Brittany John Dory, savory, fennel and girolles, or pigeon, foie gras, lardo di Colonnata and spinach.
60 rue Stanislas
54000 Nancy